Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reason 3 - Blog Post 3
Economic Effects Marijuana Laws Have Caused!

The regular responsible American pays their taxes every year. One entrusts their hard earned money to be distributed fairly throughout their state on improvements in the local communities. Things we see everyday but don't really appreciate quite often like, public schools, roads, social security, public protection and other benefits we should get from our taxes.
Marijuana laws in the United States have caused the government to spend one trillion dollars plus on fighting it. In an article called “Wasted Tax Dollars” it talks about how Americans’ tax money has gone to waist. Taxes have been paying for more police to waste their time in arresting people with possession of marijuana. As opposed to the real crimes out there, like theft, rape, or the use of other drugs. In an article called “Marijuana Arrests by the Numbers” it states, “Of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for simply having marijuana.” The war America is having on cannabis is completely and utterly absurd. If 52 percent of drug related arrests are only marijuana related charges, then what are police forces doing about the other 48 percent?  
If it's true that, according to ACLU, “More than 50 percent of Americans Support Legalization”, then why are hard working American’s tax money being wasted on petty crimes? In the same article it says, “States can waste 3,613,969,972 dollars enforcing marijuana laws every year.” This creates many problems when it comes to wanting to save your money. The more the states try to control the common drug the more law enforcement will need to be recruited and the more tax money spent. When it's heavily enforced, more arrests and incarceration will take place and that's more tax money spent. See a pattern here? When incarcerated this leaves Americans still paying for these criminals to stay behind bars. From 2001-2010, 7 million people were arrested and processed for possession of pot.
Even people in politics like Bernie Sanders try to bring this issue to light. He has spoken about marijuana incarceration on multiple occasions. He once tweeted, “I find it strange how that the kid who smokes marijuana gets arrested but the crooks on Wall Street get off scot free.” Bernie has been a proud supporter of the legalization of marijuana nationwide for a long time, he brought light to this serious issue.  

There is a problem in the justice system, that needs to be solved. People who are against the legalization of marijuana usually don't realize the horrible economical effects that happen. With enforcements focusing on teenagers smoking a pipe doing nothing harmful, they have less time and focus to catch the real criminals in communities and major cities.       

Word Count: 468
Work Cited:

@ACLU. "Marijuana Arrests by the Numbers." American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

Ernest-shepard. "Bernie Sanders Talks Decriminalization Of Marijuana During The Last Debate: Is It Time To Legalize Pot?" The Inquisitr News. N.p., 09 Nov. 2016. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

"Wasted Tax Dollars." Drug Policy Alliance. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2016.

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