Monday, October 24, 2016

All About Me

 My mother dropping me and my sister off at the bus stop on our first day of school when I first came to America.

 My volunteer work in Baltimore city on 'Red Day' after the riots.

 One of my most proud ceramics pieces. I took me 2 moths to get it just perfect in my eyes.

My group of girl friends that took me to long to find.
 There were a bunch of sunflowers, my favorite flower, next to one of my favorite hiking spots in my home town.
  Having a huge family, makes normal people tasks much harder. we got kicked out of the mall when trying to take family pictures so we ended up just taking them at my house.
   My dog named Bobby that i love more than most people.


  1. I also have a big family haha! Sometimes, I actually like it even though it gets hectic at times!

  2. I also love my two dogs as much as you love Bobby!

  3. I have too dogs and they are the joy of my life. your dog is cute

  4. I like the picture of the sculpture you made it looks really nice.

  5. My and my family are close too , they often make normal task difficult as well.

  6. Awh, that first pic you posted is so cute!:) I remember my first day of going to American High school.. My mom also dropped me off at the bus stop!

  7. my dogs cuter but you life seems more interesting lol

  8. wow am amazed that you can make such cool ceramic and i love your dog.
